John 4:19-26

"Sir," the woman said, "you must be a prophet. So tell me, why is it that you Jews insist that Jerusalem is the only place of worship, while we Samaritans claim it is here at Mount Gerizim, where our ancestors worshiped?"

Jesus replied, "Believe me, dear woman, the time is coming when it will no longer matter whether you worship the Father on the tis mountain or in Jerusalem. You Samaritans know very little about the one you worship, while we Jews know all about him, for salvation comes through the Jews. But the time is coming-indeed it's here now- when true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and in truth. The Father is looking for those who will worship Him that way. For God is Spirit, so those who worship Him must worship in spirit and in truth."

The woman said, "I know the Messiah is coming-the one who is called Christ. When he comes, he will explain everything to us."

Then Jesus told her, "I AM the Messiah!"

Sunday, October 19, 2008

sunday thoughts and songs

Hey everyone!  Well, today was a really good day at the Journey. Erik, the campus pastors, the elders, and I all had a chance to talk this afternoon. We all thought that there was a really cool energy there today. Thank you, God, for showing up. I know that people's lives were changed, and I am honored to have been a part of it. Please, come join us for the remainder of this teaching series, if you don't have anywhere else to be. Even if you do, still come join us! You won't regret it. God has really put some cool stuff on Erik's heart. You'll be glad that you came. Remember too, you can go to the website and check out the previous week's teaching, if you missed it live. Hopefully, I'll have this week's talk up by Wednesday, at the latest. You can check out all of the videos at  Then just go to resources and video library. 

Well, as I told you all before, we went to see Mickey Mouse this past week. It was awesome. Cason really had a great time. I'm still in the process of downloading the pics to my computer. As soon as I have all that squared away, I'll post some. But before I forget, Here's all the tunes from last week and this week. 

Last Week: Savior King (Hillsong United), Holy Is The Lord (Chris Tomlin), All Who Are Thirsty (Kutless), Salvation (Matt Redmon), and  He Loves Us.

Now, I have to interject here! This song, "He Loves Us", is a tune that I heard this past week at the Catalyst Conference. Rarely, there comes along a song that changes my life. And even more rarely, there comes along a song that I wish I had written. Most of the time, I am excited for someone, in that, God has birthed a song in their heart and has gifted them with it to share with the world. I know that Jealously is not a good thing, but I'm jealous of this song. I wish that God would have put it on my heart to write. And because of that, I feel the desperate need to make sure that everyone I come in contact with, knows about this song. There are a few youtube things that you can check out on it, as well. One of them (and I'll post the link here) is the actual songwriter, and the story of the song. The version of the song that I heard at Catalyst was by Eddie Kirkland. He was the worship leader for that segment. You can go to itunes and, at the store, search Eddie Kirkland. It will be the first song that comes up. Again, it's called, "How He Loves Us".  Here is the youtube link to see how the song was written. Click HERE.

Today's Songs:  Let The Praises Ring (Lincoln Brewster), All Because of Jesus (Fee), Glorious One (Fee), How Beautiful the Blood Flowed (Kristian Stanfill), We Shine (Fee)

Ok, so I'm somewhat of a Fee fan!!! Who cares! If you're going to itunes or anywhere else to get this music, you'll understand when you hear the songs. This band is absolutely anointed! Steve Fee (the lead singer and band's namesake) is one of the most awesome people I've ever met. And I've had the pleasure of leading worship with some of his band guys. They are all men who are on fire for God, and what He wants to do in this world. If you don't know about these guys, I highly recommend that you check them out. You can do that HERE!

Talk to you all soon. God bless and have a great week!



Brad Ruggles said...

Yeah, that song is an amazing song! I love the original but I also loved Eddie Kirkland's version too.

Another artist I really enjoyed this year at Catalyst was Aaron Keys. That kid is super talented and writes some great modern-day hymns. The lyrics to his music are so rich and deep. I immediately bought his album on iTunes "Not Guilty Anymore" when I got home.

Aside from the worship, what session connected with you the most at Catalyst?

robbie cheuvront said...

hey man, sorry not to get back to you until now... i would have to say that Groeschel, Chandler, and Furtick, in that order, were my gut checks.

thanks for reading. I'll try to keep posting more regularly. have a blessed day, dude!